Dot Dot Dot is a collection of talented individuals who believe that every idea carries merit.
It is through collaboration that these can be fully explored.
Our aim on every project is to bring together the right mix of backgrounds and skillsets.
It is through this approach that we can offer the best solutions and crucially the finest work.
The Ex-Wife
The Ex-Wife
A relationship fractured, a constant interruption that prevents them being whole.
Always rotating, the 'X' splits CGI and show footage into unique triangular shapes.
A metaphoric representation of an ever shifting dynamic in relationships and power.
Mini MBA
Mini MBA
Part of a series of content based around the 'tittle' of the 'i'.
Three animations, each with distinct marketing messages, each executed accordingly.
All elements working perfectly in harmony with a dynamic, energetic flow throughout.
Gala Casino
Gala Casino
Harnessing diverse technical skills to bring sponsorship, ads, and social to life.
Extensive research to find the perfect model, the perfect texture and the perfect lighting.
Crafted in Cinema 4D, finished in After Effects.
We are a design and creative studio that produce content for TV, streaming & advertising.
We cover video editing, audio, 2D & 3D animation, brand identity, title sequences & key art.